Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieMar 6, 20213 min readDiabetes and Your DietSugar Diabetes is directly related to the food we consume. Even Type 1 diabetes has been linked to being caused by an adverse reaction to...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieMar 6, 20212 min readTeach Health And Wellness To Your Children Today.Victoria was a still-birth at 41 weeks gestation. I cannot imagine what my life would have been had she not been promptly resuscitated....
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 24, 20211 min readThe Poison-Antidote DanceImagine this: You keep a poisonous snake at home as a pet and companion. But, no worries, you also have the snake antivenom for whenever...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 15, 20212 min readFiber: The Secret WeaponThere are two kinds of dietary fiber - soluble and insoluble. We will focus on the insoluble fiber that we encounter in our foods, that...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 15, 20211 min readIron: Finding the balance.Consuming too much iron can be fatally toxic and having too little iron leads to anemia. Anemia is a condition where you do not make...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 15, 20212 min readCalcium: Strong bones on a whole plant diet?Calcium is not only needed to build strong bones, it is also needed for the proper functioning of our blood vessel which help regulate...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 11, 20212 min readLet's Talk Carbs: Rethinking the No-Carbs CrazeCarbs, Carbs, Carbohydrates! Everywhere you look, fad diets are cutting down or eliminating carbs. But somehow, we as a species just...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 2, 20211 min readOils and Butter: What is Safe and Beneficial?Reading labels and counting calories is not going to be a focus in this journey. However, I started by educating myself about what was...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 2, 20212 min readSweet Sweet SugarThe way that we obtain sugar nowadays and the large quantities that we consume is what makes sugar so bad for us. Excessive sugar intake...
Chidinma Iroezi ChikezieFeb 2, 20212 min readThe Protein Myth surrounding the Whole Plant DietSo, where do you get your protein from? Is the million dollar question. The answer is so simple: Protein is in everything. Some plants...